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一笔一画学笔顺 华文 四上 [立德] Buku Tulisan Bahasa Cina 4A [Eliteguh] 978-967-219-5573

RM 1.41
一笔一画学笔顺 华文 四上 [立德] Buku Tulisan Bahasa Cina 4A [Eliteguh] 978-967-219-5573 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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一笔一画学笔顺 华文 四上 [立德] 
Buku Tulisan Bahasa Cina 4A [Eliteguh] 978-967-219-5573

- 配合最新《课程与评价标准》(DSKP)编写
- 根据规范《AB13000.1字符集汉字部首归部规范》,《现代汉语通用字笔顺规范》
- 学生可通过汉字的演变及结构图了解字形与字义之间的关系
- 每课备有败笔提醒指点学生易出现败笔的生字笔画
- 附加形似字及多音字巩固语文能力
- 高层次思维技能与生字的趣味练习让学习充满乐趣

- 教师用于课堂练习
- 学生锻炼书写能力

- In line with the latest Curriculum and Evaluation Standards (DSKP)
- Based on the standard Chinese dictionary
- Students can understand the relationship between the shape and meaning of Chinese characters through the evolution and structure diagram of Chinese characters
- Each lesson is prepared to remind students that they are prone to make mistakes
- Include similar and polyphonic characters to consolidate language skill
- High-level thinking skills and fun practice of new words to make learning fun

Suitable for:
- Teachers use for classroom exercises
- Students exercise writing skills

1. 由于原材料供应、制造工艺、方法和机器,可能存在设计/尺寸/语言/颜色/包装偏差。
2. 因拍摄光线、角度、显示器不同,图片可能与实物颜色不符。

1. There may be design/size/language/colour/packaging deviations due to raw material availability, manufacturing processes, methods and machines.
2. The pictures may not reflect the actual colour of the item because of the differences in photographing light, angle and display monitor.

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