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1.2.3年级 生字字典 [联营] 1.2.3 Nian Ji Sheng Zi Zi Dian [UPH] 978983010043

RM 20.70
1.2.3年级 生字字典 [联营] 1.2.3 Nian Ji Sheng Zi Zi Dian [UPH] 978983010043 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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1.2.3年级 生字字典 [联营]
1.2.3 Nian Ji Sheng Zi Zi Dian [UPH] 978983010043

- 每个字头下提供汉语拼音、笔画数、结构、部首、释义、完整笔顺、组词和造句
- 字词释义与造句力求简易扼要,适合小学生的了解程度
- 根据中国教育部和国家语委发布的《汉字部首表》 和《汉字部首归部规范》,严格遵守一字一部首原则
- 字词配有与造句相关的插图。

 - Provided Chinese pinyin, Number and order of strokes, structure, radicals, interpretation and example for each words
-The interpretation of words and sentences are simple and concise, suitable for primary school students’ understanding
-According to the "List of Chinese Characters Radicals" and "Standard of Chinese Characters Radicals" issued by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission of China
-Words are equipped with illustrations related to example

1. 由于原材料供应、制造工艺、方法和机器,可能存在设计/尺寸/语言/颜色/包装偏差。
2. 因拍摄光线、角度、显示器不同,图片可能与实物颜色不符。

1. There may be design/size/language/colour/packaging deviations due to raw material availability, manufacturing processes, methods and machines.
2. The pictures may not reflect the actual colour of the item because of the differences in photographing light, angle and display monitor.

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