10 - 12 岁 Age 10 - 12
CL06 Refined Novelette Collection - A Kind & Forgiving Heart 9789833842759
CI08 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - Tyma's Green Patch 9789830224756
CI07 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - Adventure at Guning Menghijau 9789830224732
CI05 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - Taming of the Brat 98789830224718
CI03 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - Turtle Trouble in Tanjung Puteri 9789830224749
CI02 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - Never Too Late 9789830224763
CI01 Teens' Thrills And Adventures Series - A Champion's Pride 9789830224695
AI21 七彩书屋小说 - 寻找失落的天地 9789674131487
AI19 七彩书屋小说 - 妈妈,请看我一眼 9789674135256
AI18 七彩书屋小说 - 双子座的晨曦 9789674134853
CF04 探索未知世界系列 - 恐龙未解之谜 9787568804660
CF03 探索未知世界系列 - 动物未解之谜 9787568811859
CF02 探索未知世界系列 - 植物未解之谜 9787568807517
CF01 探索未知世界系列 - 人类未解之谜 9787568804646